I’ve lived in Northwood for more than 15 years and Austin for longer than that. I have never seen any natural disaster take down trees and disrupt power like this “Oak-pocalypse”. It was like some sort of invisible hurricane.
Still, we need to grateful to live in Northwood with neighbors so willing to help out. Our Facebook groups were active in communicating power issues, offering to lend equipment, and sharing tree trimming tips. Seeing neighbors working together when the sun came out is what this neighborhood is about.
Meanwhile, your new board officers are (or attempting to) getting things in order and have scheduled our first meeting - March 1 6:45pm at the Milwood Library. Our agenda covers:
The new website features
Volunteer plan and recruitment
Utilities (including discussion of right-of-way projects and trees)
Resuming dues collection (Increase from $20 to $25 annually)
Action Item: Meetings
Vote on expanding meeting frequency and option to hold virtual meetings
We hope y’all can join us for the first meeting of the year. It will be great to see new and familiar faces as we seek to strengthen our community.